Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Companies

Are you missing your Marketing calls?

There’s a near constant stream of new government incentives and regulations around home energy and keeping your potential customers up to date with this complex landscape of activity is probably high on your marketing agenda. Organisations working in this area cannot afford spend money promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy options without ensuring they can capture opportunities that are generated by marketing campaigns.

Marketing campaigns can fail if you are not able to fulfil the responses efficiently. CommLink are experts at response handling. We handle thousands of responses each year and our team are able to collate responses from each of your particular campaigns, continually collecting data and, in many instances, booking appointments for follow up. Whatever your call-to-action, we can provide a service that effective, leaving you free to focus on your day to day business.

Our campaign Response Centre provides:

  • Digital call recording & remote quality control monitoring
  • Open 24 hours, 365 day per year
  • Detailed management information
  • Inbound call handling – we’ll mirror your corporate identity

CommLink captures your campaign responses and is also able to fulfil requests for many types of marketing and support material product information, brochures or patient booklets. We can also provide a web-based service, connecting with your in-house CRM to deliver marketing response data in real time. Each project is handled by our experienced team of call handlers who will take care of everything.

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